
Adnan Siddiqui not to attend APPNA to be held in US

The iconic actor-producer Mr. Adnan Siddiqui will not be attending APPNA to be held in the US from July14-16 given that Indian artists too will be part of the program.

As a self-respecting Muslim, Mr. Siddiquistrongly condemns the insolent and obscene remarks made by Hindu right-wing Indian politicians against the beloved Prophet (PBUH). “My conscience will never allow me to be in the same space as artists from the country that has insulted our Prophet. I have nothing against the artists personally but as a form of personal protest and as solidarity for my Muslim brethren worldwide, I have excused myself from the event,” Mr. Siddiqui has said. The remarks by the two Indian leaders have received widespread criticism from Muslim nations across the world including Pakistan. “As a Pakistani too, I stand with my country that has strongly criticized the Indian government’s enabling of such Islamophobia,” asserts Mr. Siddiqui.

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