Aijaz Aslam on Iftar Mulaqaat Talks About Being A Producer

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On the 14th episode of Iftar Mulaqaat, the guest of honor was the popular actor-turned-producer Aijaz Aslam. The show is hosted by the beautiful Hina Khawaja Bayat and the culinary expert on board is Chef Shai. For every episode a top tier celebrity is invited and enjoys a hearty conversation with Hina.

Aijaz Aslam is one of the big names in entertainment industry and has a long list of successful dramas for accredited to his name. Not only did he excel in acting but since he’s divulged into being a producer his name only shined brighter!

When we asked him about his experience being a producer he told us it was time consuming and really hard work, but it pays off well in the end!

“Shooting dramas is more challenging than doing films since it requires more scenes to be done in almost the same amount of time”

Although with the latest influx of talent in the industry there are few complications arising, mainly commitment and changing the directions.

“With the influx of new people the enviornment has changed, now people dont show up even after commitment, the commercialization element is evolving”

In these times a producer has to be really careful because if he’s good the word of mouth takes his success up another notch but the same is applicable for bad conduct.

“If a producer gives hard time, then actor becomes careful, word of mouth spreads pretty fast in our industry”

Stay tuned for more celebs and their secrets, only on Iftar Mulaqaat daily at 6pm only on Geo Kahani.

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