Aijazz Aslam Delivers Haseeb’s Emotions Exceptionally well in ‘Log Kya Kahenge’

The second episode of the highly emotional drama Log Kya Kahenge aired and we can’t help but notice, Aijazz Aslam delivering his very best as Haseeb in the play.

As Haseeb Aijazz Aslam has displayed a range of emotions right from the word Go. Although only two episodes down, we have seen Aslam displaying extremities of emotions as the tumultuous series of events continue to destroy his world. From a happy man with a job and a house, Haseeb has gone to a man whose helpless, penniless and clueless about what fate will throw him next. Aijazz Aslam as Haseeb convinces you of his pain with his expressions. Rejection after rejection and all doors being shut, Haseeb is left with no option and his helplessness is heartbreaking. You see a man breaking down and because it’s a rare sight in our society, Aijazz Aslam’s expressions clutch your heart. Now that we’ve seen the drama, we believe nobody could have portrayed the character of Haseeb better than Aijazz Aslam.

This week’s episode shows how little by little Haseeb is losing everything and his life falling to pieces. The financial strain has now started taking a toll on his family and his children are now becoming suspicious of the situation. Although you feel that Haseeb’s stubbornness about taking any help will lead him into further trouble but you can’t help feel bad about his situation. There could have been ways out of his problem, but Haseeb doesn’t wants to compromise his self respect and spread his hands in front of anybody else.

Aijazz Aslam as Haseeb is very convincing. Although all other actors in the drama have portrayed their roles with close perfection, Aslam stands out as Haseeb because he channels the character’s helplessness very aptly. We have seen Aijazz Aslam in a number of other characters before but this particular one, takes the lead in all. The range of emotions Haseeb has to portray as one after another his hopes shatter, Aijazz Aslam does complete justice.

For now, we have to give it to Aijazz Aslam for overpowering all in the second episode of Log Kya Kahengay. We just wish that Haseeb could have found out a solution to his problems and not succumb to them.


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