
Announcing the Khayaal Festival 2015 – #KhayaalFest “Pushing The Boundaries”

Khayaal Creative Network [F] (2)
Announcing the Khayaal Festival 2015 – #KhayaalFest “Pushing The Boundaries”

The Khayaal Creative Network, established since 2012, proudly announce the second iteration of their critically acclaimed “Khayaal Festival” [#KhayaalFest] this 2015. Scheduled to take place in Lahore on the 28th and 29th of November in collaboration with Alhamra Arts Council, the theme for this year’s Khayaal Festival is “Pushing the Boundaries”.

An endeavor of Khayaal Creative Network, the Khayaal Festival is the brainchild of four versatile educationalists: Ayesha Husain, Zainab Qureshi, Amna Omar and Nuria Rafique-Iqbal. The Khayaal Festival is an endeavor to promote art, literature, discussion and debate in Pakistan by organizing a series of open and public events.

Khayaal Creative Network [F] (1)

The primary aim of this festival is to push the boundaries for thought and discussion and indeed to construct more space for both; to create positive dialogue as a step in the direction to eliminate the negativity, intolerance and prejudice that encompasses Pakistani society today with a goal to stimulate Pakistan’s youth by giving them the opportunity for exposure to a diversity of thought through the fields of Art, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Current Affairs, Poetry, Film and Dance.

The two-day event will be open to public and feature a series of talks, panel discussions and live theatre and music performances.

The Khayaal Creative Network will be releasing more details about the panelists, performances and the two-day schedule in October 2015.

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