
Armeena Khan Joins Hands with LRBT

 Armeena Khan who is not only helping the Syrian refugee but have also joined hands with Graham Layton Trust Gala to provide free eye care to the underprivileged in Pakistan.

Armeena shared on her social media:

“In addition to my Syria appeal, I am also supporting the Graham Layton Trust for their fundraising gala in London this year. This trust is dedicated to providing high quality FREE eye care to the poorest in Pakistan.”


Armeena’s dedication to her causes and her continuous work to help the underprivileged makes us proud to say that she represents Pakistan.

The fundraising arm of Layton Rahmatulla Benevolent Trust commonly known as LRBT, who are the principal free eye care provider in Pakistan. GLT had been set up to raise awareness and money for LRBT, so that they can continue their charity work. All set to take place in London on October 13th, 2018, the Gala will host celebrities like Anita Rani and Meera Syal who have collaborated with the trust, besides Armeena.

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