
Baba ki Trumpet a moving TVC by Fruitien

Independence day and the month of August is another moment for advertisers and marketeers to be creative and touch the emotional cord with their execution. Fruitien with their latest campaign has just tried to pull that off.

TVC narrates story of a son who wants to fulfill wishes of his ailing father, who happens to be a die hard patriot. The paralyzed father, who in his youth was part of the band as trumpet player that played national anthem of Pakistan for the very first time. Therefore, his wish was to visit Minar e Pakistan one last time, and son fulfills it in style when a band in the background plays the national anthem the old timer trumpet player stands up from his wheel chair and tried to join the playing tune. Just right there comes the product placement.

Baba Ki Trumpet Fruitien

The story and to most extent the execution of the TVC is pretty good, the obnoxious product placement is a buzzkill tough. Makers of the TVC could have taken more subtle way to embed product in the TVC. Having said that, the flow in the story and the narration has been impeccable. Makers and the brand deserves points for the effort and bringing the idea together for this TVC. Fruitien has managed to strike that emotional cord to some extent that we usually expect from such ad films that come around in August and Independence day.

At the end that I must say that small piece of Ghulam Mohiuddin’s voice over is a mood enhancer indeed.

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