Ramazan is a fun time in Pakistan, blessings and business go hand in hand. And objectively speaking that is pretty much life is about – Balance… Well just for the sake of debate even in our Namaz we pray fer Best in the world and Best hereafter (Rabana Aatina Fi-dunia…). Anyhow we can argue that balance is missing and business has taken over blessings and so on. Lets keep that debate for some-other time.
Ramazan is the time that comes with challenge for brands and marketeers to bring staggering Ramazan campaigns especially TVCs as even in this age of social media and digital content the charm of TVC is still fresh as ever. Like every year this year too Ramazn TVCs did hit our TV, PCs, Tablets, and mobile phone screen and some of them literally left marks on our memories and touched our hearts. Team MediaSpring PK presents a few TVCs that touched our hearts. Here I would like to say that opinion is all personal and I can be grossly wrong so if you disagree would love to learn more from you, and just in case I missed any TVC campaign just let us know about it through comments.
Pepsi Pakistan #LightingUpLives
Not many words for this as this whole campaign not only lighten up lives last year but also won our hearts. This year the campaign is back and this year targeted to reach even further. A great idea, voice of Abida Parveen in the background, a face that sells like hot cake, and an execution that ensures brand recall. Its second year in a row that Pepsi has beaten its “giant” rival in the race of better Ramazan TVC.
Nurpur Original #LiveRamadan
Recently overtaken Nurpur foods or Nurpur Original is undergoing a re-positioning and re-branding process that is why you might have seen a massive BTL campaign featuring bill boards, free sample distribution and streamer campaigns. This mix is not complete unless ATL activities are not there to compliment the whole marketing mix. That is why they came with the BEST (in my humble opinion) Ramazan TVC of the year. Lately, it has been quite usual sight to see a milk, biscuit, food items TVC an affair where whole family is gathered and they start dancing just to show how happy they are because of a milk that prepares good tea. Nurpur has convincingly sent their message across with no dancing involved and just the right amount of involvement of a female face in the tvc. The visual of the whole TVC is striking and the tune of some picks from the best of Pakistani folk music (such as pere pavandi saan) added a notion to it that catches attention of listening sense too. Watch it yourself and decide.
Rafhan Iss Ramzan ko mukammal karen pyar ki mithaas say #MeethaPyarJaisa
Children have a very strong bond with their mother, which is quite natural. Most of the times children do understand if parents are going through an issue or problem no matter if parents choose to hide it or not. That is something beautifully executed in this very TVC by Rafhan. This TVC campaign is more of a short film that folds story of a little girl who observes her first fast of her life that too a “complete” one and she does it just like she has seen her mother doing it. Well dont want to give anymore spoilers so do check it out. On my scale this TVC does get 4 stars out of five.
Surf Excel Ramazan 2016 | #MadadEkIbadat
Hailed by many as the best Ramazan Ad campaign of the year. The washing powder brand took the famous line of helping others this Ramazan, how a little kid ruins his own clothes while helping an old fellow. The catchy jingle and the message of letting children help others so that they can gain the sense of helping others is quite appropriately put together for this very TVC.
Wall’s – #KaroKuchKhas
This year Father’s Day came in Ramazan too and this came with an opportunity for advertisers and marketeers to capitalize both in one ad campaign. If considering this as bench mark then hands down winner is Wall’s as this frozen dessert brand nailed both Ramzan Campaign, and Father’s Day ad in one TVC that too very beautifully. Ad is emotional so it surely touched many hearts product placement was quite subtle and the real message was loud and clear – to invoke respect for those who let go their joy for the sake of helping and serving others.
Jazz – This Ramzan #LetsGiveBack!
Recently gained a rebirth – Jazz is trying to position it self in the TVCs as a network for those who are into social welfare. They tried to put this picture with their previous TVC a few months ago featuring Sikandar Rizvi and Maya Ali. This time for Ramzan they have come up with the old school idea of selling “this many minutes and SMSs to that you can enjoy blessings of Ramazan” with a twist. Yes, in the TVC they have dropped their message in the earlier part of it and then unfolded the rest of the part which feature a young lad (Sheheryar Munawar) collecting meals and preparing food baskets for underprivileged members of the society. Idea was good, not very new tough, execution had a few flaws still it was good enough to be in this list of ours.
Qmobile Ramadan Corporate Campaign 2016 #NewAgeNewConversations
Well the amount of mistakes this TVC has it should be more of a dishonourable mention But this one TVC has single handedly managed to create a lot of stir that it was discussed almost every were. Even the prime time of news channels was dedicated to this one TVC to discuss the content it has carried in it. Well just to be clear I am in all favor of Women Cricket and Women Empowerment. My disagreements with this TVC are only to the extent that this is a brilliant idea but badly executed.
Daikin #DaikinJapanZindagiAsaan
Humor sells and it sells very well. Daikin’s Ramazan Ad is simply one example of that. It is short, simple, product centric ad and all the punchlines put in right place. Team Game Over has done it again with this TVC.
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