Brand News

Bringing Josh back on the road

Group Photo at St. Pat’s Cathedral
Group Photo at St. Pat’s Cathedral
Group Photo at St. Pat’s Cathedral

In an interesting activity arranged by DKT Pakistan, attendees were treated to a fascinating bus tour of Karachi, which included visiting the State Bank Museum (a hidden treasure in the city), St. Pat’s cathedral, followed by a delicious lunch, with a glimpse of Josh’s colorful campaign at Mai Kolachi Karachi.

DKT Pakistan’s Josh is back with its “Josh on the road” making a bold impact with a fresh new, colorful campaign for the year 2015, following the brand’s successful launch in 2013. Advertisements related to the new campaign can be viewed nationwide. Catchy phrases in lively colors and an air of celebration can be seen around the country painted on walls.

DKT international is one organization which, since its inception by Phil Harvey in 1989, has been striving to reach couples in developing countries across the world to help curtail the problem of population explosion & educate the populace about family planning in a culturally acceptable manner.  In 2012 DKT came to Pakistan and since then has managed to reach 841,804 couples in 2014 alone.

Pakistan being the sixth largest country in the world with a population of 194 million, if family planning is not embraced, Pakistan could become the fifth largest by the year 2050 with an estimated population of 300 million. Men in Pakistan are usually seen as the key decision makers behind family planning in their households, and taking precaution to ensure that, shouldn’t be humiliating. Furthermore one must realize that products like “Josh” help protect a person from contracting STIs.

Save the Children ranked Pakistan 147th out of 178 countries on its Mothers’ Index in its 2014 State of the World’s Mothers report. The Mothers’ Index assesses the well-being of mothers. Family planning is not a subject that is discussed very openly in Pakistani households let alone in educational institutions.

Since its establishment in Pakistan, DKT has ensured that they promote family planning and reproductive health in a respectful, consistent manner within the cultural boundaries of Pakistan.

Since the beginning of its operations in late 2012 through 2014, DKT Pakistan has already sold 24.3 million condoms, 732,704 cycles of oral contraceptives, 110,962 IUDs, 168,953 packages of emergency contraception, 81,358 vials of injectable contraception and 2.9 million tablets of misoprostol, resulting in 967,283 couples receiving years of protection.           

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