
Creating Job Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities to Ensure Social Uplift

Inclusion of People with Disabilities in every walk of life can lead to an inclusive society, to ensure this, a letter of understanding was signed between the Employers Federation of Pakistan (EFP) and Sightsavers Pakistan for promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Pakistan’s job market.

According to WHO’s World report on disability, globally every 7th person out of the total population is living with some form of disability. The partnership between Sightsavers and EFP will facilitate the inclusion of People with Disabilities into employment while improving the disability confidence of employers.

The letter of understanding was signed by Country Director Sightsavers Pakistan Syeda Munazza Gillani and EFP President Ismail Sattar on behalf of their respective organizations.
This collaboration will promote, influence, and sustain inclusive employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in the country.

President EFP, Ismail Sattar, termed this collaboration a positive step towards achieving the provincial government’s mission of inclusion of persons with disabilities. He also urged sustainable collaboration with other national and international organizations for this cause.

“Utmost efforts of our Federation are to ensure decent job opportunities for all especially for persons with disabilities at workplaces so that they are not exposed to any social or economic discrimination,” Ismail Sattar ensured his commitment on behalf of EFP.

While addressing the audience, Country Director Sightsavers Pakistan Syeda Munaza Gillani shared the findings of the recent labor market assessment which identified the need of improving employers’ disability confidence and job readiness of youth with disabilities. She urged employers to join Pakistan Business and Disability Network to ensure the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the job market.

While highlighting the barriers and aspirations of youth with disabilities, she said, persons with disabilities are an integral part of society where they are exposed to various issues like health problems, discriminatory attitudes, dependence on others, economic hardships, and transportation issues.

Office Incharge (ILO, Country Office Pakistan) Ms. Khemphone Phaokhamkeo, considered this partnership a significant milestone for the inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities and congratulated Sightsavers and EFP. She said that people with disabilities is a large segment of society and their inclusion in job market will empower them as well the society at large. She further added that the initiative will help Pakistan in meeting international commitments such as SDGs and UNCRPD. She emphasized on the importance and responsibility of employers for promoting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in workplaces.

Ms. Gillani said in a closing statement that Inclusive employment opportunities can be linked to inclusive and sustained economic growth on the basis that it creates a free and fair platform for ALL, which is devoid of their age, race, gender, and diversified abilities to have access to jobs, which can spur economic growth.

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