Dignosco arranged a meet up for journalists and bloggers to discuss about the trends of global education and the situation of education sector in Pakistan. The meet-up took place at the Lahore office of Dignosco.
During the discussion team of Dignosco highlighted a very important point which is wastage of scholarships. They believe that every year, due to lack of guidance, thousands of Pakistanis fail to tap into the countless scholarships and admissions opportunities at the top universities in the world. One big reason behind the lack of awareness is that at educational institutes does not pay attention towards student counselling, in fact find it useless exercise on the top of it government is also not playing any role in this regards.
While talking about the situation at private schools one of the team member said,
“Private schools are generating huge amounts of money by claiming to provide value added services to their students but realities are much different. It is sad that some of the top tier schools of the country lack a basic counselling system.”
Dignosco is one of its kind and Pakistan’s first student counselling organisation that stepped into this untapped arena of student counselling and since its inception this organisation is providing educational advice to students, professionals and parents in order to get admissions in higher and secondary education institutions located across North America, Europe, Middle East, Central Asia, South East Asia, and Pakistan. Dignosco takes much pride in being an organisation that also offers its services to students who cannot afford higher education abroad.
One of the team member said that it is of no use to criticize the government because there is inadequate counselling system in most educational institutions, hence, the number of students going abroad for higher education ant quality institutes is far less than it should be.
The situation on this regards is quite interesting as if we take the example of US undergraduate degree, tuition fee of different colleges vary from Rs. 4 million to Rs. 9 million per year, which without a shadow of a doubt is an affordable fee for the majority of the students in Pakistan. Dignosco, however, claims that with the help of their service, students are paying only Rs. 0.3 – 1 million per year and in fact there are a few cases where the whole fee is waved off.

According to team of Dignosco, they select students only on the basis of their educational qualifications and achievements rather than their social statuses, while talking about diversity of the students they have helped in the higher education a team member added that they have sent students from Balochistan to universities like UC Berkeley on a full-fledged scholarship.
While talking to the bloggers Ata Ur Rehman, CEO of Dignosco, said:
“ Government and schools should focus on such issues and promote the young rising talent in Pakistan by providing expert counselling to students for the progress and prosperity of the country. This issue needs to be properly addressed and the system needs to be appropriately changed.”
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