
Express News Announces ‘Kher e Ramazan’ – A Special transmission Hosted by Armala Hassan and Imran Hassan

Express News has announced its special transmission for the month of Ramazan, titled ‘Kher e Ramazan,’ hosted by the dynamic duo, Armala Hassan and Imran Hassan. The transmission promises to be an enriching and fulfilling Ramazan journey for viewers.

Armala and Imran are both seasoned anchors and have vast experience in hosting special shows and transmissions. They are excited about their new venture and the opportunity to connect with viewers on a spiritual level.

Armala shared her thoughts on the segment, stating, “Ramazan is a month of immense blessings, and we are grateful to be a part of Express News’ efforts to provide our viewers with an enriching and spiritually uplifting experience. We hope to create a platform that will not only entertain but also educate and inspire our viewers.”

Imran echoed Armala’s sentiments, adding, “Kher e Ramazan will feature a diverse range of topics and guests that will address the spiritual, social, and cultural aspects of Ramazan. We want to create a segment that is relatable, engaging, and informative, and we hope that our viewers will find it beneficial and rewarding.”

The transmission is set to air daily throughout Ramadan, with each episode featuring engaging discussions, interviews, and informative segments on a range of topics related to Ramazan. Viewers can look forward to a month of insightful content that will deepen their understanding of the holy month and help them make the most of their Ramazan experience.

Express News’ ‘Kher e Ramazan’ is poised to be one of the most anticipated transmissions this Ramazan, and with Armala and Imran at the helm, viewers can expect an enlightening and enjoyable experience.

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