
Faysal Quraishi; A Modern Day Exemplary Father

Fathers are the backbone of a family. Like anchors, they ground us and keep us connected to our roots. Yet they are hardly given the appreciation they deserve for all the efforts as well as sacrifices they make for their children. We usually see dads swamped with work, coordinating through busy schedules, and managing finances at home, and sometimes, due to the nature of their role, it can be hard for them to make time for their children. Fatherhood brings significant changes into a man’s life, where he is expected to be the provider and nurturer of his family, which sometimes comes with its own set of challenges. However, ace actor, producer, and host Faysal Quraishi takes on this role with ease as an exemplary father who, along with exceptional talent as well as a huge fan following, is famous for balancing his personal and professional life like a pro.

Time and again, Faysal Quraishi has laid great emphasis on taking care of the youth of our nation. Recently, in honor of World Day Against Child Labour, he made a LIVE video in hopes of spreading awareness about the value of education amongst children. Sharing the same wisdom with his own children, he narrated a short story titled ‘Matki’ by the acclaimed Pakistani children’s writer Amra Alam. The moral of the story elaborates on the importance of young children going to school regardless of their socioeconomic background. In the short tale ‘Matki’, who we later discover is named ‘Iqra’, got the opportunity to receive her education only because another educated child (Nadia) had been the voice of reason amongst her family. Iqra could now read, write and gain the same kind of knowledge as Nadia while making her mother proud and paving the way for future generations in her own family. Quraishi has recurrently professed that children are the future of this country and should be treated as such. Thus, sharing these same values with his own children on a daily basis. In the LIVE session, he asked his daughter what she understood from the story and asked for her views, making it known that her input also matters. Quraishi further explained that we as adults should assume responsibility in nurturing children, providing them with a better world, safer surroundings, and being the kind of role models they could look up to.

Setting a strong example for his kids, Faysal Quraishi is also renowned for his active participation in charitable and philanthropic endeavors. Earlier in Ramzan, he organized days where he opened his iftaar with the children of the Save Our Children Foundation. Making it known that through charitable events, one should always have the intention of extending their efforts while maintaining others’ dignity and respect because it is every human being’s birthright, hence that courtesy must be extended. With the slogan ‘Apna Samjho’ he reiterates the message of dignity of all. The idea of the drives was to treat street children just like his own. During the first drive, he opened his iftar at the Save Our Foundation School where he and his children sat amongst the students. The second drive was at Aladdin park, where he along with his family, took students for a field trip. Leading by example, he emphasized the importance of teaching your little ones what it means to respect others, treat them in an equal, dignified manner, and not look down on anyone.

He also believes in keeping his children close to him while he works, primarily to boost their confidence, allow them to develop their own understanding of film sets, shootings, studios, and their father in action. During one of his interviews, he shares why he frequently takes his daughter Ayat to set locations during production because he finds it an invaluable way to help her learn, develop an understanding, and grow her real-life exposure. Ayat’s appearances on set shoots have also become a sensation on social media, which Faysal Quraishi’s fandom wholeheartedly enjoys watching.

Excellent parenting skills such as those of Faysal Quraishi are a rare find in our society these days. He is often setting examples so that he not only spoils his children with unconditional love but keeps them grounded and in touch with reality.

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