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Habitt launches biggest store in Dolmen Mall, Karachi

Home and lifestyle store Habitt, touted as the “complete home store” launched its biggest outlet at Dolmen Mall Clifton, Karachi on Friday, April 29 in a star studded affair. The launch event was attended by city’s glitterati including Mommar Rana, Shmoon Abbasi, Abbas Jaffri, Sunita Marshall, Fia Khan, Rubab, Zhalay Sarhadi and many others.

Their humongous store, which was situated at the Punjab Chowrangi, is now being moved to Karachi’s most commercial and happening mall – the Dolmen Mall, Clifton. Karachi hosts two other Habitt stores, one at Shahrah-e-Faisal and the other in Gulshan-e-Iqbal.

On Friday, the 29th of April, the creative team behind Habitt experienced another feather in their cap as they launch the store’s biggest outlet to date. The store stocks modern and contemporary designs, as well as provide products that are made using the best quality materials in a variety of innovative designs guaranteed to brighten up your home. Staying competitive and ahead of the game, Habitt is now also offering king size wedding packages, which begin at a price range of Rs 75,000.

Habitt’s biggest store at Dolmen features amazing new designs of furniture and accessories, with coordinated displays and features the widest collection of kids’ furniture and accessories collection. There will be a something for everyone approach where people will be able to choose according to their personal colour preferences.

Habitt, which is a one-stop solution for the purchase of home, office, kitchen, garden furnishings and home accessories, has slowly and gradually created a niche for itself in the lifestyle department, where people are seen thronging the store’s premises to get their hands on all the latest accessories the store has to offer. Be it Lahore or Karachi, Habitt has always experienced sky-rocketing sales and a clientele, which also comes back for more. In Lahore, the Habitt store is situated at the Main Ghalib Road, Gulberg III.

Habitt focuses on the best value for money and promote the most modern designs to their customers. The coveted home and lifestyle store is committed to providing designer home solutions to the masses of Pakistan at affordable prices, hence uplifting the lifestyle of the Pakistani homemakers.

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