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Harpic recognizes Unsung Heroes this World Toilet Day

This World Toilet Day Harpic recognized the domestic labour that works tirelessly and rigorously around the clock providing us with a clean and hygienic space, ensuring our bathrooms are always spick and span – #HarpicHeroes.

#HarpicHeroes was launched at the Reckitt Benckiser (RB), makers of Harpic, head office in a small ceremony where the employees recognized all the support staff for their daily efforts. The launch was also attended by the brand ambassador Ahsan Khan to support the cause.

The campaign aims at appreciating the unsung heroes who play a vital role in making sure Harpic is used properly and provides you with a clean toilet but are often taken as granted. Through #HarpicHeroes, the brand raised awareness on the importance of these individuals and celebrated their support by sending them tokens of appreciation.

“As the leading toilet care brand in Pakistan, we have always ensured we create positive impact in the society through the various programs that we conduct nationally. This World Toilet Day, we wanted to call out those who actively use Harpic to provide a clean toilet for everyone – the unsung heroes! As Harpic, we will continue to raise the bar not just providing the best solutions for our consumers but also giving back to our country”, stated Sana Tariq, Marketing Manager – Home Care, Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Hygiene Home Pakistan.

Harpic, being the #1 toilet cleaner of Pakistan, has made notable efforts in its own capacity to improve the state of cleanliness and sanitation across the country. Through “Project Hope”, Harpic provides rural households with affordable hygiene products to over 45,000 households via women entrepreneurs who earn livelihood through this. Additionally, through “Save a Child every Minute”, close to 400 villages are made Open Defecation Free (ODF) through education and infrastructural support. Harpic also reaches out to 1.2 million homemakers nationwide directly through its “Muhallaha Program”, educating them on how they can keep their toilets and bathrooms clean with Harpic.

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