
While Karachi has a variety of multi-ethnic cuisine and Lahoris are fond of eating great food: Marium Farhan

Marium Farhan is one known name of Pakistan news media be it as a broadcast journalist and news anchor or as a TV presenter and morning show host or it is her role as an acedemia professional. Marium has ticked all the boxes well in her career in media. Earlier this year Marium ventured into home-based foo business titled, ‘Homestead by Marium Farhan’. We at MediaSpringPK reached out to one of our most favourites, Marium Farhan to talk about this new project.

We spoke to Marium about her new venture and she explained that every guest or visitor who comes to her home ends up liking the food and that gave her the idea of why not sell it and why not making money out of it. She said:

“My new venture is about food; it’s about home made food. It started as a crazy idea as you know Karachites are famous for good food and Lahoris are famous for eating good food. So I thought lets merge the two. So this was the basic idea I love to cook and it does not make me tired so that’s why I started cooking for others on commercial basis. So far the experience is amazing.”

The new venture is a small set up and maintaining quality is the key focus, Marium is keeping the orders intake very limited, “I do not take lot of orders when I am booked I am booked for the day. So i do not fill in a lot of people on same day, I always offer my clients if they want to visit my kitchen anytime.” said Marium.

When we asked the former face of Geo Pakistan and Neo Pakistan about becoming a full time entrepreneur, she said that she is not a full time entrepreneur yet has got active again in academia. She said:

I am still a very very part time entrepreneur. This venture just comes as a passion to me its not a profession as yet because I am back to the education sector.

We have recently seen rise in similar services and small online businesses. Marium thinks that in this age of internet and social media, “It is very difficult while its become more competitive.” Commenting on it further she said:

“I think there is a lot of competition because of social media, hence your idea needs to be very unique. I feel that I am still not there and I am still trying to explore where do I stands in the social media world. The space is very large and there is hardly  any vacuum and there is are lot of people already in the business.”.

Marium does not think that being a media person has helped her in the venture so far. “Not at all , it has not help me at all. To be very honest all the orders come so far all the people who know me or their acquaintances. Interestingly people think that that women in media do not cook and I think that perception should be changed.” While talking about the idea of cottage industry playing part in the economy as a whole, former business news anchor said:

“Cottage industry is very important. You can not just force the country’ 51 percent population to sit that home and do nothing. Even if they contribute for the home economy that is always amazing. I think everybody needs to work; it keeps women busy it and keeps their mind busy. They are more constructive and they are more positive about things in life. And Obviously they will be better at contributing and playing their part because there will be no depression there will be no anxiety because then you have no time to even get depressed.”

Marium is of the opinion that a positive approach is the only way out to succeed in the longer run, a few set social norms need to be changed. She said:

“I think we must stop copying others and we should make our own space and uplift each other. My message to other women is to stop asking for the favours, and when its come to business women work really hard to create our own space that we should support not only emotionally and morally but we should also support each other financially – we should stop asking other women for financial concessions just because they are friends. This country as a whole has a special psyche of not paying, taking advantages and asking for discounts. I believe it is wrong and it is high time to change this attitude.”

Ordering food from “HomeSteadByMariumFarhan”  is very easy you can DM to Marium Farhan or you can place your order on phone call at 03142098838. You can follow Homestead By Marium Farhan on Facebook: www.facebook.com/homestead11. We at MediaSpringPK wish Marium all the best for her project Homestead by Marium Farhan and for her future endeavours.

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