
HSY Speaks From Personal Experience At A Recent TEDx Talk

Hassan Sheheryar Yasin aka HSY has always been known to be a man of multiple talents. From designing to hosting, directing to acting, we have seen him do it all and execute them to perfection. Rising to fame, HSY has many times shared his ever-evolving self and is a staunch believer in moving forward in the face of setbacks.

Recently, when speaking at his third TEDx talk, the superstar shared one of his recent downfalls which began around the time of the Covid pandemic. As the world went into a lockdown in 2020, people lost their businesses and loved ones globally. Unfortunately, HSY was also among those who faced huge personal and professional setbacks. Suddenly, both his mother and father became incredibly sick, his factory was shut down, medical bills kept piling up, and bridal dresses ready to be delivered were left behind by customers unwilling to pay due to the lockdown.

When the lockdown of 2020 was imposed, people turned towards social media to feel safe and wanted. HSY took this as a starting point to overcome his personal and professional setbacks. His Instagram series, LIVE with HSY was the first step to defeat shortcomings. Inviting friends from the industry as well audiences to build real human connections, he gave people a chance to be heard and be themselves.

While the Covid pandemic still presents its challenges, moving forward and evolving with innovative thinking within ourselves is our best bet of living life through its various setbacks. HSY finished his talk with a statement that left the audience inspired. He said, “I’ve realized that when the chips are down and you need to innovate and thrive, look into yourself. The real innovation truly lies within you. Be authentic to yourself. Too fast, too soon we become unauthentic and I know it’s a small word but if you really think about it, being unauthentic is a big feeling. Be authentic to who you are, however you are, whatever God has given you and when you tap into those emotions, those experiences, that’s your DNA. No one else can live those experiences. You and I could walk through this place together and your experience and my experience will be different. Respect your experience. Build on those experiences, build innovations, and if you really want to thrive with innovation, thrive with innovation within your heart.”

The dynamic designer has since then rebuilt his business from the ground up and now has the largest couture studio based in Lahore, Pakistan which is solely made with Pakistani materials from top to bottom. HSY as a brand, without any investments from outside, along with all of the obstacles it faced, has re-emerged stronger, better, and more efficient. With authenticity and innovative thinking, today the company’s sales are x4 of what they were when before lockdown.

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