
Huawei Mate 8 Pre-Booking Comes with Gifts and Surprises

Huawei Mate 8 Pre-Booking Comes with Gifts and Surprises
Huawei Mate 8 Pre-Booking Comes with Gifts and Surprises
Huawei Mate 8 Pre-Booking Comes with Gifts and Surprises

Huawei offers its flagship smart phone Mate in Pakistan for pre-booking. Mate 8 is the most awaited and amazing features holding smart phone.

While placing pre-booking orders for Mate one has to deposit the amount of Rs. 5000/- and it will be treated on the priority basis for the delivery of Mate 8 smart phones. Huawei has provided the brand outlets with gift vouchers for their pre-booking order placing customers. These vouchers will worth for Rs. 10,000/- this voucher can be used as discount on the time of Mate 8 purchase or as a “cash gift”.

Huawei is also providing free passes for the “Runway Pakistan” fashion show to its 10 lucky winners who place order till 21st of this month. Runway Fashion show is also scheduled on 21st January and will be continued till 24th January.

Huawei Mate 8 is available in two versions that are Huawei Mate 8 standard (with 3GB RAM + 32 GB ROM) and other is Huawei Mate 8 High Version with 4GB RAM + 64 GB ROM. Prices for these distinct versions are Rs. 59, 999/- and Rs. 69, 999/- respectively. Only high version of Mate 8 is available for pre-booking.

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