
I am fulfilling dream of my mother by being a news anchor: Javeria Zaid

Broadcast journalist and news anchor Javeria Zaid is one of the finest names joined news media industry in the last few years. Starting off from Waqt news and then being part of the pioneer team of Lahore news to now being a face of Dunya News, Javeria has kept making progress with her good work and soft spoken conduct.

Recently Javeria returned to screen after her maternity leave and started news anchoring for Dunya News again. We had a chat with Javeria about her experience with media and motherhood.

Previously known as Javeria Saleem, Javeria Zaid believes that she is managing many roles in one day because of her husband’s help and corporation, “It is not easy to switch roles from a news anchor to a mother, because both roles demand full attention and managing a work life balance in this day and age is a taxing task itself. I will give this credit to my husband because he is very understanding, cooperative and helpful. Without his help it is not possible for me to maintain the balance,” says the news anchor and mother of a toddler.

Javeria speaks fondly about being a mother and her motherhood experience she says that having a baby just puts the whole world into a perspective:

“Everything else just disappears. Actually I won’t be able to express my feelings completely in words. It’s like Wali (my son) is with me since forever. Being a mother means a lot more than having given birth to a child. It’s loving and knowing a soul before you even see it. It’s carrying and caring for a life completely dependent on you. So a tremendous experience so far.”

In late 2017, Javeria became a part of Dunya News team when she shifted from the Regional channel of the network, Lahore News. While talking about returning to screen Javeria shared her excitement and said that she missed news:

“I missed the news, I know it might sound strange. Let me tell you something, this was the dream of my late mother that join news media and become news anchor. Therefore, through my job actually I am fulfilling her dream. That makes the whole work experience a lot more worthwhile.”

When asked if she has any pro tip for mums of toddlers, she laughed and said that it’s too early for her to give a tip she rather shared some of her observations. “I must say that enjoy your experience and your baby, that’s what I do. By the way, what I have realized is that your baby makes you more active, punctual and responsible person,” said Javeria.

A graduate with a degree in Media studies and specialization in Development Jounalism for her masters, Javeria moved to media industry after spending time at and IT company, she is a believer of important role family support plays in the success of a working woman. She said:

“Family support is very important because if you don’t have family support you will lack confidence and It would make achieving goals a very difficult task.”

While talking about how supportive has Dunya news been she said:

“Dunya News has been very supportive throughout my pregnancy and even after that and I am very thankful to my organization. Actually, I feel myself very lucky for having such a supportive family and organization.”

Commenting on what has changed in the media since she joined, she said that standard is just the same and she hopes that new trends will keep on being incorporated.

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