
Idiot Episodes 19 and 20 Shake Foundations and Expose Dark Secrets

The latest episodes of “Idiot” unveil a cascade of revelations and intense situations, plunging the characters into distress and turmoil. Gulzar’s courageous exposure of the pharmaceutical company’s deceit leads to a series of shockwaves, exposing Sadat’s sinister schemes. Sadat’s treachery reaches a horrifying pinnacle, unveiling dark secrets that shatter the tranquility of Gulzar’s world. As alliances crumble and guilt emerges, the narratives in episodes 19 and 20 expose the intricacies of deceit, guilt, and danger that threaten to tear lives apart.

Gulzar’s Concern for the Future


The episode begins with Gulzar reflecting on the harshness of the world and worrying about how his child will navigate such a challenging environment.


Sadat’s Wife’s Desperation


On the other hand, Sadat’s wife resorts to taking an overdose of sleeping pills. Feeling blamed by Saadat for Rida’s departure, she falls unconscious. Sadat’s mother discovers her condition, calls for a doctor, and informs Gulzar about the situation.


Gulzar’s Revelations at the Press Conference


Gulzar takes decisive action by calling a press conference to expose the pharmaceutical company’s misdeeds. He unveils the extent of their wrongdoing, including misleading patients and profiting from incorrect treatments. Gulzar shocks everyone by revealing Shaukat Ali as the mastermind behind it all, leaving Shaukat alarmed.


Rasheed’s Tragic Response


Rasheed, learning the truth about Sadat’s mistreatment of his wife, reaches a breaking point and attempts suicide. His wife discovers him in distress, panics, and provides assistance. She later contacts Gulzar, revealing Saadat’s wrongdoings towards her.



Gulzar’s Heroic Reception


Following the press conference, Gulzar is hailed as a hero by the public. People flock to his apartment with flower bouquets, eager to meet him. Gulzar warmly welcomes them, emphasizing that he is merely unveiling the truth.



Shaukat Ali’s Arrest and Revenge Plot


Meanwhile, the police arrive at Shaukat Ali’s residence to arrest him. Furious and seeking revenge, Shaukat and his associates are not content with Gulzar’s exposure. They plan to humiliate and harm him, prompting a threatening call to Gulzar.


Gulzar’s Confrontation with Sadat


Concerned about his sister-in-law, Gulzar visits his house and discovers Sadat blaming her for Rida’s departure. Incensed, Gulzar confronts Sadat, revealing shocking information about Bakhtawar. In response, Sadat grabs Gulzar’s collar, questioning his intrusion into his privacy.


Sadat’s Devious Flashback


A flashback unfolds, depicting Sadat’s deceitful act. He runs away with Guddu’s bag, placing a pistol inside. Sadat then informs the police, falsely claiming the missing pistol is in Guddu’s possession. Consequently, Guddu is arrested and put behind bars.



 Rida’s Disturbing Situation


Rida is relocated from her hideout to a place where numerous girls, like her, are housed in individual rooms to prevent interaction.  Angel engages in video calls with the girls, assuming various personalities, and talks to everyone with using different names. The girls trust Angel, anticipating the promised opportunity to go abroad.


Shocking Revelation for Gulzar’s Parents


Gulzar’s parents watch a video from Mr. Iqbal’s USB, revealing Sadat’s culpability in Gulzar’s paralysis and attempted murder. The realization that Sadat intended harm to Gulzar, not them, becomes overwhelming for Gulzar’s parents.


Sadat’s Guilt Exposed


Confronted by his parents with the incriminating video, Sadat is rendered speechless. His attempts at justification fall short, and he unintentionally admits to attempting to kill Gulzar. Overwhelmed with guilt, Sadat’s parents decide to leave, despite his desperate pleas and insincere apologies.



Rameen’s Concerns and Family Intervention


Frustrated with Gulzar’s continuous exposés, Rameen fears for their safety. She contacts her father, urging him to make Gulzar understand the potential dangers. During a meeting at Rameen’s house, her parents express concern, advising Gulzar to avoid such activities. Gulzar defends his actions, asserting the importance of standing up for what is right.



Watch Idiot Episode 19:

Watch Idiot Episode 20:





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