
ilmX launches in Pakistan with online Workplace Harassment Training

Given the social climate in Pakistan, understanding and addressing the concept of harassment, in all of its forms, is becoming increasingly important, especially in the workplace. Unfortunately, even the sharpest of HR professionals, detailed policies and complaints mechanisms, either miss the many signs and types of workplace harassment or victims choose not to report it, due to the social stigma associated with it. Building a shared understanding, as well as defining what it means to act professionally in the workplace, is deemed necessary to build a safe space at work. Taking proactive steps against workplace harassment with employee training has many benefits for management and employees; not only does it promote a more positive work environment, but it can also prevent situations that put your business in legal jeopardy.

#PakistanAgainstWorkplaceHarassment is a CSR initiative by ilmX to provide workplace training to help organizations in the prevention of harassment in their organizational culture. ilmX, soon to be Pakistan’s largest digital learning platform, is introducing cutting-edge online courses and training programs that offer distance-learning and skill development opportunities to support organizations across the country.


Yasser Bashir, one of ilmX’s co-founders says, “At ilmX, we are deeply committed to supporting the creation of a safe space at work, by spreading awareness, sharing knowledge and creating a sense of accountability amongst personnel in preventing workplace harassment. Therefore, we have made the decision to make this training free of cost, forever, as part of our #PakistanAgainstWorkplaceHarassment initiative. We invite you to be part of our mission to end workplace misconduct and unethical behavior to make the cultural paradigm shift through education.”


The Preventing Workplace Harassment training, part of ilmX’s Workplace Essentials online training program, is now available completely for free for organizations of all sizes. This training is designed to ensure that management and employees are relating to and learning from real-life situations, challenges, and evolving behavioral expectations in the Pakistani work culture. In addition, they will learn about the different forms it takes, gain an idea of its prevalence in Pakistan, and, in the deeply upsetting event that one witnesses or experiences any, what kind of support is available. More interestingly, the learning is tailored specifically to Pakistani workplaces and outlined by leading subject matter experts and designed in line with the current federal and provincial laws, including the Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act 2010.


The vision of Workplace Essentials, the key product under ilmX for Business and is powered by Edly, a global leader in digital learning, is to transform organizations into spaces that nurture a safe, productive, and healthy workplace for all. Their mission to reinvent how organizations train employees in becoming more mindful and well-rounded professionals, one skill at a time. While leveraging world-class content that has been designed according to the local context and is available in both Urdu and English, their aim is to make it easier for employees to grasp and understand the learning. The sign-up process is so simple and easy that organizations can be up and running in a week’s time!


To learn more about how your organization can benefit from this free training, please visit their website for more information and to join them in their mission.

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