Supermodel Fia is one of the most prominent face of Pakistani Fashion Industry. She truly has proved herself as one of the best fashion models in Pakistan, and why not? She has the attitude that is bold and of course she is mesmerizing, that’s what makes her one bright and shining star of our fashion Industry. She is considered to be the top choice when it comes to bridal dresses for her captivating personality justly compliments the striking bridal dresses.
Last month team of MediaSpring PK got chance to have a conversation with the top supermodel of Pakistan, Fia Khan. Here is what she has to say in reply to the questions we asked in the interview.
Take a read!
Tell us something about you, your educational background and were you always interested in modeling? When did you realize that a career as a model was for you?
Fia: I could unfortunately only complete my A levels . Modeling just happened to me I always wanted to be an actor but I always take what life has to offer.
Apart from modeling do you have interest in other forms of arts too?
Fia: Dancing and hosting.
What makes you different than the rest of the supermodels in Pakistan?
Fia: Every person is born with an individual personality. Few are unique and make to the lime light
Which one of your work you consider as the best, which assignment you really enjoyed working on?
Fia: There are far too many but one of recent ones I would like to mention performing at Lux Awards on Rahat’s song with him on stage was out of the world.
What it was like walking on the ramp for the first time? Do you remember your first walk on the ramp?
Fia: Oh my God! I still remember had shaky legs was so confused it was for the silver jubilee of Royal Palm. But once I was on it my confidence was all there.
How do you keep yourself fit and in shape?
Fia: I Dance a lot.
Who is your muse, your source of inspiration?
Fia: People like Hsy , Frieha Altaf , Nabila & Fawad Khan
How do you define your personal style?
Fia: My fashion style depends on mood and weather
What @fia_sofiakhan says about her fashion and style? Check out full interview on our website #supermodel #FiaKhan #interview A photo posted by Media Spring Pk (@mediaspringpk) on
Who is your favourite model both local and international?
Fia: I love Sadaf Kanwal & Amna Ilyas
Ever thought about doing films and movies? Which one is your favourite film by the way?
Fia: Surprise!
Tell us something about yourself that no one probably knows.
Fia: I can sing a bit
What’s your vital beauty trick?
Fia: Water & dance.
Supermodel/Wife/Mother which one is the most challenging role in your opinion?
Fia: Oh my God All 3 are sometimes easy and sometimes very challenging but I must say with the passage of time you get a hold on all 3
I would have been a business women if I wasn’t a part of #fashionindustry says @fia_sofiakhan Check out full interview on our website #supermodel #FiaKhan #interview A photo posted by Media Spring Pk (@mediaspringpk) on
Since we are talking about family, how do you spend your holidays with family, is there a special holiday destination?
Fia: We always fly back to the country where we all three ladies were born Berlin … And mostly than we drive to diffirent cities of Europe.
If you were not in fashion industry what would you have been?
Fia: I would have been a business woman.
Who is your favorite actor?
Fia: Ryan Gosling, Oven Wilson, and Johnny Depp
Who is your favorite actress?
Fia: Julia Roberts , Kangana Ranaut, and Eva Mendes
Favorite Film and TV show?
Fia: Pretty woman , Masterchef and So you think you can dance
Do you like music?
Fia: I could not live without music !! It’s the bridge between the earth & sky
What is your favorite song?
Fia: There too many to mention but one all time favorite is; Ek pyar ka naghma hai!
What @fia_sofiakhan advices aspiring models? Check out full interview on our website #supermodel #FiaKhan #interview A photo posted by Media Spring Pk (@mediaspringpk) on
What is your favorite food?
Fia: Chicken Palao , Pizza & pasta
What makes you happy:
Fia: My family , food ,shopping & traveling
One thing that you cannot stand:
Fia: Hypocrisy !!
What can we expect from Fia in future?
Fia: Lots and lots and lots of entertainment
What is your ultimate motto of life?
Fia: Just believe in yourself !!!
Any advice for aspiring models and any message for our readers?
Fia: You can’t be a star overnight … Lots of hard work is required … If you wanna stay long than work hard
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