
[Interview] In Conversation with the Face of Aaj Entertainment’s Ramazan Transmission Madeha Naqvi

The Name of Madeha Naqvi is quite familiar in our media industry and broadcast journalism. In addition, she has justly earned the fame and status through her dedication towards her job and hard work. From newscaster to morning show host she has played all these roles with pretty elegance.

This Ramazan out of nowhere, just like a pleasant surprise, Madeha Naqvi ended her long break and returned to TV screen as face of Ramazan Transmission of Aaj Entertainment – Baraan e Rehmat – along with ace actor Aijaz Aslam.

Team MediaSpring PK had chance to speak to Madeha Naqvi about her return on TV, her Ramazan transmission and her plans for the future. Here is the excerpt of that conversation.

1.    How are you feeling upon returning on screen after an extended break?

Madeha Naqvi: Well the long break was not planned at all it all really happened as I was hoping to return to the screen soon after completing the first season of my Morning Show on Geo Kahani. Anyhow, just as the break was not planned the comeback was not planned either. I would call the whole situation quite filmy.

It was filmy because I was getting offers for hosting TV shows but never taken any of the offer quite seriously and then suddenly I got the offer to host a whole Ramazan transmission for a whole month that too a six hours long one. Just two hours before going on air I was still deciding whether I will be doing it or not. And because it was filmy therefore five minutes before going on air with Baran e Rheman I decided after being totally sure that I shall be doing it.

It was all so sudden that just five minutes before going on air I Informed my father that I will be hosting Ramazan Transmission on Aaj. He stayed tuned to the Aaj News one and told me later that she did not see me on it as Hamza Ali Abbasi was hosting it; I realized that in my haste I totally forgot to tell him that I am doing the transmission on Aaj Entertainment not on Aaj News.

Right after my first show of Baran e Rehmat I had the moment of realization that I have missed the screen a lot and it Is indeed great to be back on air.

2.    How is the experience of hosting a Ramazan transmission coming along? And how different it is from your previous experience?

Madeha Naqvi: The experience has been great as well as learning one so far. I have done Ramazan transmission in past but that was three hours long only. This time I am doing six hours long transmission which is different than the kind of work I have done in past in a say that such long transmission demands a lot of energy and a lot of patience.

In addition, While Fasting it becomes more challenging to keep the energy level high so that our transmission and on screen presence does not get dull. I believe if I am lacking the energy, it will not only reflect on my work but also reflect on the mood of live audience and viewers watching at home.

3.    There is a lot of competition when it comes to Ramazan show does that make you nervous?

Madeha Naqvi: initially there was nervousness as I said it is first time that I am doing such long transmission and that too during the era of extreme completion when it comes to Ramazan Transmission. However, I accepted this job as a challenge and so far I am enjoying it and putting all my efforts to it.

4.    How different is your show as compared to other Ramazan shows?

Madeha Naqvi: I would say that the biggest differentiating factor between my Ramazan transmission and other Ramazan shows & transmission is me. Lets admit it that all the Ramzan transmissions are more or less similar as due to competition we end up following similar pattern. It is how we carryout the transmission and what value as a transmission presenter we add is what makes difference. That is why I said that I am what is different in our Ramazan transmission as compared to other transmissions on other TV channels.

5.    Do you miss news anchoring any plan to return to it?

Madeha Naqvi: I, sometimes, really do miss it. However, at the same time I think that I am done with it because I had reached to the point of that part of my career, which can be described as ‘peak’.

I miss the excitement of newsroom, the excitement of news that is because I have great deal of interest in news. Returning to news casting is not a plan as of yet but I would really be interested in anchoring a news or current affairs show as the aspect of news is very important and dear to me.

6.    What is future plan, will we be seeing you regularly after Ramazan too?

Madeha Naqvi: May be… may be not. Let us see how future unfolds, as God knows the best what is going to happen. I have not made any long-term plan of that sort right now. As I said earlier, I missed scree a lot so I would love to remain on screen but it depends on the kind of project I get. I will be considering the offers I have and then decide. Probably you will see me doing acting, but that too is not decided yet as I have to put thought to the acting offers. I have to see that how comfortable I am in doing it, above all how comfortable my parents are about me taking that rout.


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