
Exclusive Interview with Multi Talented News Anchor and Broadcast Journalist – Madiha Abid Ali

Exclusive Interview with Multi Talented News Anchor and Broadcast Journalist – Madiha Abid Ali
Exclusive Interview with Multi Talented News Anchor and Broadcast Journalist – Madiha Abid Ali
Exclusive Interview with Multi Talented News Anchor and Broadcast Journalist – Madiha Abid Ali

Pakistani media industry has produced so many big names since the boom in the in the industry. Among these big and talented names there are many news anchors, however, there are only a few individuals in the industry who have a holistic understanding of their field both academically and practically. Madiha Abid Ali is one such name who is trained filmmaker and broadcast journalist on top of it, she is among the lucky few who have tested their skills in their field. Recently, Team Media Spring PK got a chance to speak to this all-rounder news anchor for this interview and we found her very interesting and articulate person.

Here is what she had to say in response to our questions.

  1. Were you always attracted to journalism and media and when did you realize that a career as a media person was for you? Tell us how it all started

Madiha Abid Ali: Start of the 21st century brought a boom to the media industry and current affairs in Pakistan. At that time I got influenced by new TV channels, which made my mind to choose Mass Communication as a major subject. From that time I never looked behind.

  1. Tell us something about your educational back ground, and to what extent do you think your education and your academic degree has helped you in your career?

Madiha Abid Ali: I am M.phil in Mass Communication, the professional track from Kinnaird College Women University. My professional degree is the main reason that I am serving into this field. All the practical work in TV, PR, documentary, radio, newspaper projects are the main reason for my current position in mainstream news media.

  1. Tell us something about your family, which city are you from, how many family members are there in your family, how supportive your family is about your career and work. And how much do you think family support is important?

Madiha Abid Ali: We are two siblings. I am the younger one after my big brother. I am from Lahore. Today what I am is because of my family. My parents and brother always support and pamper me for chasing my dreams, passions and always stand by to pull me out from every hard time. At the end, I would say family support is very important for both a girl and a guy. It boasts your moral up.

  1. What part of your work you find the most challenging and which one you enjoyed the most?

Madiha Abid Ali:  Covering a live event is the most challenging task. Because in a live event you have to be very accurate and authentic without any script and pre-production. A minor mistake can make a big issue in your professional career.

I enjoyed hosting transmission of FIFA world cup 2014 and Cricket world cup 2015 because I love sports.

  1. In Pakistan mostly there is an issue of not treating male professionals and female professionals equally. i.e. in past, a  PTV newscaster was not allowed to read a sad news since being a woman she would be unable to hold emotions, does that mindset of 1970s,  and 1980s still exist in our media?

Madiha Abid Ali: As far as I am concern, in today’s world of news and current affairs females are so impressive and not lesser than their male counterparts. If we talk about Pakistan media presentation, females are equally contributing their share in every major department in electronic media as well as in editorial content. I proved myself not only as an anchor but also as head of sports department, there is a world in front of me, now it’s up to me how I can contribute and prove myself with my skills.

  1. Who is your source of inspiration?

Madiha Abid Ali: My biggest source of inspiration are my parents. My home is the place from where I get all my positive energy to concur the world. My dad used to say, “If you want peace, make yourself strong”. So I am on my way to make myself strong and to face all the challenges with peace.

  1. Sometimes listening to a bad news devastates our day, I am sure reading a bad news must have an effect on a news anchor too how do youcoup up with that?

Madiha Abid Ali: This is what we call “professionalism” that we have to stay peaceful all the time. Let me share an incident here. On APS first anniversary, there was an animated documentary that I announced in the live news bulletin. After watching that documentary, I literally started crying, heavy tears were falling down from my eyes. Program control room gave me next countdown, and I had to announce the next linking news about APS. I wiped out my tears and announced the very next report with red eyes. So moral of the story is, we all are human first. But showing professionalism is essential in every field.

  1. You hosted a show about cricket and you are quite active on twitter during cricket and sports conversations, do you play any of the sports, and which one is your favourite sport?

Madiha Abid Ali: Yes, I love playing outdoor games. Swimming and golf are my favorite sports.

  1. How important do you think a healthy rivalry is among the fellow news anchors, do you think anyone as your rival (heathy/professional rival of course)?

Madiha Abid Ali: I think when you work in any organization there should be healthy competition or rivalry so that you can learn well. I am a good learner, and I always want to beat my last performance. So my arch rival is Madiha Abid Ali herself LOL! 😀

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  1. Keeping others update about what is going on around the world is a hectic job, what is your favourite off time activity?

Madiha Abid Ali: Capturing moments through my camera lens, making videos, spending time with family, cooking, playing with my three years old niece.

  1. Do you like reading books, if yes then what type of books. Also how much do you think study and personal research is important for a news anchor?

Madiha Abid Ali: I like reading biographies, current affairs column, national and international newspapers. An anchor without reading is not an anchor. Study and research is as important for an anchor as water is important for fish.

  1. We have seen a couple of examples from Pakistani news media that some news anchors shifted to modeling and acting do you have any such plans or have you ever got any acting or modeling offer?

Madiha Abid Ali: Ahhh I am a qualified documentary and filmmaker ( M.Phil Mass Communication, professional track). Started my professional journey from making short films and documentaries. So I have plans to make films and be a king maker of my field.

  1. Define your personal style in three words

Madiha Abid Ali: Honesty, hard work, decency.

  1. Your favourite film? Favourite song (if any)

Madiha Abid Ali: Film: Apocalypto by Mel Gibson

Song: yaar ko humne jabaja dekha by Abida Parveen Saheeba

  1. With the arrival and rise of social media among the Pakistani internet users how much do you think it has changed us in terms of being aware and is social media helping you in your profession if yes then in what way ?

Madiha Abid Ali: Its upto an individual that how s/he use new technology. I use social media to keep an eye on current affairs. Following news personalities and news agencies on social media, which helps in my profession.

  1. Any tip of message you would like to give to the people who want to join news media as journalist or news anchor?

Madiha Abid Ali: There is no shortcut to be an anchor, learn first with internship and workshops then start your career as professional. You can’t be an anchor over a night, lots of efforts required.

  1. Tough “Selfies” have taken over an autograph, but have you ever asked for an autograph how did it feel when you gave your first autograph as news anchor/media personality?

Madiha Abid Ali: My fist autograph was for a chartered accountant who approached me at my office just for an autograph. I feel like anything, can’t describe in words.

  1. Most memorable news that you ever read as a news anchor, and any news that you regretted to read on a news bulletin?

Madiha Abid Ali: Happy news when Sharmeen Obaid won Oscar for the 2nd time. The sad news was when PTI chairman Imran khan and Anchor person Reham khan parted their ways.

  1. What are future plans of ‘Madiha Abid Ali’?

Madiha Abid Ali: To complete my PhD in near future. And as a filmmaker planning to represent my work in Oscars InshahAllah.

  1. Any message for your fans?

Madiha Abid Ali: Prayers for them all, I am always there to guide them if they want to opt this field.


Comments (3)

  1. No doubt she is awesome lady and my favourt Anchor ……..:)

  2. Keep up the good work my dear friend

  3. Pakistani media is desparately need new and fresh blood with such a amazing talent like Madiha Abid Ali showed. IT gives new and better look of our media,I request the channels to give opportunity to such a talent for longlasting of our Media

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