FilmsInterviewPakistani Cinema

[Interview] 10 Questions with Razia Sultana of Saya E Khuda E Zuljalal AKA Rachel Gill

Rachel Gill is not an alien name in the entertainment and glamour industry of Pakistan. This model turned actress has shown her mettle in every field she stepped in. The supermodel Rachel Gill who is known as one of the premier models of Pakistan who walked the ramp has now also stepped into the shoes of the movie star with her movie coming this Friday.

Behold Razia Sultana in all her glory this
Behold Razia Sultana in all her glory this

Team MediaSpring PK got chance to speak to this amazingly talented and humble personality about her experince of working in a film like Saya e Khuda e Zuljalal, which is realeasing on 16th December 2016, here is what Rachel Gill has to say:

1. The trailer and promo of your film Saya e Khuda e Zuljalal look promising what was one factor that made you sign this film?

Rachel:  I was really  impressed  by the screenplay,  it has a lot of patriotism and emotions in it. On top of it, my role is very strong, it is about woman power tough the role is not that long in the movie that is because the film is based on 27 leading characters. Therefore, everyone has their small plots in the movie. When I was offered Saya e Khuda e Zuljalal, I thought that being a part of such phenomenal project  would be an honour in itself.

Watch Video: Official Trailer of Saya E Khuda E Zuljalal

2. Tell us about your role, how is she as a character? did she challenge Rachel Gill’s acting skills?

Rachel: Razia Sultana is a modern day independent and strong woman, the one who believes that to end the corruption one has to be part of the system but one should also  have enough courage to stand against what is wrong.

As a film actress, this is going to be my debut, therefore, I can say that it really  helped  me as an actor  to learn, evolve, and grow.

Rachel Gill at the trailer launch of her movie Saya E Khuda E Zuljalal

3. You have done some projects as an actor for TV, How is your role in SKZ different than your previous work you have done?

Rachel: Well, I have not done much acting as my main focus has been the modeling career. However, I think all the roles which I have done were different from each other so is Razia Sultana – you can say I have been lucky in this regard as whatever role I have played in the past was different and let me test my acting skills and learn from it.

4. How was the experience of working in a multi-starer film and with such big names?

Rachel: The experience was nothing but fantastic. It is a huge cast and I never got a chance  to work with all the star cast of the film. But to be very honest, just being part of such an amazing team give a great feeling. Here I would also like to mention that producer of SKZ,  Dr Tauseef and director of the film Dr Umair Fazli have done a tremendous job by putting together this project and come up with a film that has never been done in the history of Pakistani cinema.

Still from the Film Saya E Khuda E Zuljalal

5. Any interesting incident on the sets of SKZ that you would like to share with us?

Rachel: There is no specific  incident that I would be able to mention, That is because I have enjoyed  every moment  while  shooting Saya E Khuda E Zuljalal. I got an amazing team to work with and again I must say Dr Tauseef and Dr Umair Fazli were quite a support and guide throughout the project.

6. Your favourite scene or moment from SKZ?

Rachel: As I just told  you that the role is not that long in the movie but it has a very strong story to go with, so every scene  is close  to my heart.

7. Tell us about the music of the film, what makes it different than the contemporary films’ music?

Rachel: There is no item song in the film so that is what makes is different, I’d say. The film’s music is very melodiuos -there are five songs in the film, one is national anthem there are three romantic songs and one situational club songs. I’d like to think my self as lucky enough as I am featuring in two songs in the film. One is a romantic song and then the other one is a situational club  song which I am also part of. The word club should not give any wrong idea, it has scene shot to portray a sicuation you will need to see the movie to know more about it 🙂

Still From a Song of SKZ the film Featuring Rachel Gill

8. Who do you like most Rachel Gill as TV actress or Rachel Gill the film star or Rachel Gill the super-model?

Rachel: I like Rachel Gill in all the shades – Because I have enjoyed  each  one of it.

9. What is one particular thing about your film that you think the audience will like the most?

Rachel: First of all  SKZ is a film for youth film, because our youth is bit disonected from the roots now and perhaps doesn’t  know the exact story that how we got our country, What sacrifices were made? SKZ is about being Pakiatani, what should we do to make Pakistan  a better  place to live in. Which, I think we all need to know  these days.

SKZ has a message  for all of us, the film is all about Pakistan. I am sure when audience will come out of the theaters they will come out with  different presuptions and prespective about patriotism.

10. Any message for your fans and readers of MediaSpring Pk?

Rachel: My message is for youth of Pakistan is that just follow  your  dreams with sincerity and have a motivation in your life, so you can play a vital  role as a Pakistani and  be able to take this country towards prosperity… never give up… and just be positive!!!

And I must say MediaSpringPk is doing a great job by highliting all the aspects of media, so my massege for readers and floowers of MediaSpring PK is to keep following Mediaspringpk and do visit your newarest cinema to watch SKZ releasing on 16th December accross Pakistan.

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