
Is Dilnasheen Ready to Fight for her Love? Fitoor Review

 Well, we do feel it a little bit sad about the whole situation. A little uneasy at how things are progressing so fast and also the direction they are taking. But perhaps there is a better outcome than what we can imagine at this point? Maybe it’s is possible. Let’s ponder over what happened in Fitoor’s latest episode.

So far, by all accounts, these are fairly decent people. Haider is an obedient son, who has faced some hardship in life but is still able to fight his way through. His mother’s happiness means the world to him. While Haider has been successful in his professional life, his personal life has been hollow. His mother continually strives to fill that void. But as luck would have it two glorious moments of happenstance and he falls head over heels in love (the 1st sight kind) with Dilnasheen.


Dilnasheen…an innocent young girl, who gets upset in a minute and it also takes a sweet line to win her back. But she sees Haider as an “uncle”. Probably because she has a younger boyfriend, Hamza. While she whole heartedly loves him, her mother’s relatively conservative outlook to life scares the day light out of her. Will she ever be able to admit her love for Hamza, in front of her, now that Haider has made his intentions clear?

This brings us Hamza. While thus far we see him as a hopeless romantic soul, bombarding Dilnasheen with love and affection, there seems to be a highly passionate side to him. A “Shahrukh of Dar” kind of energy. The one where you want to look away but can’t.


Now, this sounds like a recipe of heartbreak for our Romeo aka Hamza. Doesn’t it? Things are moving quite swiftly in Fitoor. But it certainly is engrossing. While we see an impending storm, it still is enticing to see how we will get there.


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