
I’ve picked enough battles here: Hania Aamir tells why she is missing from Instagram

Hania Aamir, Pakistani film and TV actress, has explained why she has been missing from Instagram. The actress has explained why she is taking this decision.

Her explanation has come in response to a question, “Why u are not active as u used to be on insta”.

On it, Hania said, “I’ve picked enough battles here. Voicing your opinions comes at a price and the price is your mental health.”

She has gone into details, ‘The gossip, the mean comments and the putting each other down on the internet had started getting to me’

She has gone into details, “The gossip, the mean comments and the ‘putting each other down’ on the internet had started getting to me.

And honestly, I lost faith in humanity so I need a break. I don’t feel like putting my life out there anymore,”.

“To be honest, I’m at peace. I like that people know less and say less.

Maybe one day Instagram and I can rekindle the friendship we once had but for now I’m good.”

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