
Kasa-e-Dil Review: A Glimmer of Hope for Hatim and Somiya?

 The latest episode of Kasa-e-Dil had a fair bit of drama shall we say. We went one way and the other during the episode. At one moment hoping for redemption for Hatim and Somiya. And in the other, it looked like they will drift apart further. It certainly kept us on the edge of our seats.

Raheela by the looks of it continues to rule the roost. Being in the know of every little detail, she is manipulating everyone. She works as a confidant and friend of Somiya. For Aden, she is acting as a go between him and Somiya. For Hatim, she is bearer of bad news and exploits every situation. With Somiya’s mother, she acts as she is her sympathizer. In case of her husband, she is taking advantage of his honesty too.

The only person she is open towards is Fehmeeda but that too seems like a matter of time only. If push comes to shove, she will not hesitate to throw her under the bus. She is the master manipulator.

In such a scenario, honest conversations are the way to go. We do see Hatim confront Somiya and demand answers in a way. But Somiya is too afraid to be honest with her. Instead of persisting Hatim walks away. Somiya’s mother also tries a heart to heart with her. But Raheela interjects and takes the conversation into a different direction. There was Nouman, who wanted to clear the air with Hatim, but this attempt is also unsuccessful due to Hatim’s reluctance. Finally, Nouman tries to get help from Raheela’s mother, but that too looked like a dead end.

On the other hand, Aden’s attempts to woe and win over Somiya are failing too. Despite Raheela’s best efforts, Somiya refuses to give in. Things are heating up, and we can’t wait to see what turn the drama takes next. Kasa-e-Dil is a true master piece of the ace duo Abdullah Qadwani and Asad Qureshi and for sure 7th Sky entertainment never lets us down when it comes to their astounding storyline.


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