
Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar being slammed after his latest remarks in a talk show

Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar is not a new name when it comes to humiliating women and being a shameless prick about it. Despite being a successful writer, he holds no respect and basic decency when it comes to talking to women. Recently, on a live TV show, Khalil Ur Rehman lost his cool for no apparent reason and started misbehaving with Pakistani journalist, Marvi Sirmed.

Khalil Ur Rehman Qamar literally abused  on live TV last night while he appeard on a talk show to share why he hates women

The writer was on a talk show to discuss the aftermath of the decision of the Lahore High Court to throw away the petition trying to block Aurat March 2020. He was sharing why he thinks slogans like “mera jism meri marzi” trigger his fragile masculinity.

While speaking up he addressed Marvi Sirmed, a fellow panelist and journalist, saying that when women like her raise those slogans his heart breaks. At this point, from what it appears, Marvi tried to taunt him by saying the words “mera jism meri marzi” and lo and behold, that unleashed the disgusting vitriol from the misogynistic writer.

He called Marvidisgraceful things such as “tere jism mein hai kya?”, “uloo ki pathi” and the good old “bitch“.

All this while, the talk show host kept trying to shut Marvi up and not the abuse that was coming out of Khalil’s mouth. Wonder where PEMRA really is when incidents of actual violence against women are needed to be controlled.

For many, feminism may or may not be a thing to support on a personal level but abuse is a line that one never crosses. For a man who claims to be the biggest feminist in the world and fancies himself an intellectual, to go and abuse a woman in such disgusting manner on live TV is appalling, to the say the least.

Perhaps, banning him could be the only compensation left to all the disgusting behavior he has helped normalize, especially against women.

The anchor, Ayesha Ehtesham, of the show who did not stop Khalil Ur Rehman from uttering abusive words, is also being questioned for allowing such abuse to go on live TV


In her response Ayesha tweeted:

Many are calling actors and channels who are continuing to collaborate with Khalil Ur Rehman despite his dangerous behavior toward women

His behavior has only emboldened more women to proudly chant why they need activities like Aurat March and why they believe in important statements like mera jism meri marzi


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