
Kinnaird Festival of Statistics and Data Science concludes in Lahore

The Department of Statistics in collaboration with ORIC at Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore organized a day-long event titled ‘Kinnaird Festival of Statistics and Data Science’ on Wednesday, November 24, 2021. The objective of the event was to showcase the importance of Statistics and Data Science in today’s data-driven era. And also, by holding a statistical poster competition at the national level including students from intermediate, bachelors and MPhil. The program included a number of Invited Talks on a variety of topics related to Statistics and Data Science

The highlight of the day was the Keynote Address delivered by Professor Roger Stern of the University of Reading, UK and Dr David Stern, Founding Director of IDEMS International. The title of their talk was “The Important Role of Statisticians in Today’s World of Data Science”.


The event brought together practitioners, scientists and talented students to share their opinions regarding the importance of statistics in the 21st century. The event kindled the much-needed debate on variety of topics related to data science. A large number of students participated in the Statistical Poster Competition which was judged by national as well as international judges from various countries of the world including Iran, Kenya and the Philippines. Prizes were awarded to the winning team as well as the runner-up in each of the three categories of the Competition.

Participants appreciated the efforts and expressed their views regarding the festival of Statistics and Data Science. The program was ended with an address by Professor Dr Rukhsana David, Principal, Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore.

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