
Komal’s International collaboration with Q, Desan Da Raja released on Eid


This Eid-ul-Fitr saw the release of Desan Da Raja Komal Rizvi’s latest international collaborative single with Qurram Hussein aka Q from Josh. The track is a re-creation of the popular wedding classic by the same title, and evokes the same feeling of joy and happiness as did the original classic.

Speaking about her experiences with the song,  Komal said,

“When re-writing the song we felt the process was completely natural and the lyrics and melody just flowed all around us. Working with Q was wonderful, and the rhythm and chemistry we shared as colleagues made the whole journey of Desan Da Raja that much more wonderful.”


Komal Rizvi is a well-known name both nationally and internationally in the arena of Pakistan’s music scene. This versatile singer has kept herself in the limelight through her innovative fusion of Sufi and contemporary pop and incredible live performances.

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