
Kubra Khan expresses her surprise over Lux Style Awards nominations

Lux Style Awards (LSA) on Friday released the list of nominees for the 20th edition of the award show, to which celebrities had many mixed feelings.

While some were happy with the nominees, others were not satisfied with the list. Many actors took to their social media accounts to talk about the nominations, whether to express their displeasure over not being nominated, and criticized the platform for its alleged bias.

Alif actor Kubra Khan posted a tweet in response to fans raising the question of her not being nominated for her much-lauded portrayal of Husn E Jahan. She stated that the love and support of fans was enough recognition for her work and needed no award or ceremony.

“So here I am, extremely overwhelmed,” she wrote to fans on Twitter. “A winner who doesn’t need no stage, nor ceremony [be]cause you guys ahh guys! MyAwardisRightHere.”

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