
Kubra Khan posted a sentimental note appreciating the small things in life after testing positive for Covid-19

Kubra Khan recently announced that she had tested positive for Covid-19 and is now on road to recover safely.

The actress penned a note on Instagram where she reflected on how battling this illness had given her some realization that she must learn to be patient and be grateful for the smallest things in life.

We as human beings.. have the funniest scales to measure what’s a big or a small deal. We are waltzing around this world given temporarily to us taking everything and everyone for granted. Something as many would say “ as small as smelling the morning tea” or “ Breathing in a normal rhythm”.. it’s basic.. normal isn’t it?

Kubra Khan also reflected on her recovery by revealing that she had slowly started to regain some of her sense of smell and was indulging in some of her favorite foods like Nutella cake and chocolate brownies.

She elaborated on how her illness has taught us that our lives shouldn’t be centered around consistently working ourselves to the bone to make sure we remain ahead of the rat race. But sometimes we must learn to take it easy and appreciate the simple things like having a cup of tea or sitting on our balconies:

“I tested positive for Covid a little while ago. And all these “small things” didn’t feel so small anymore. Grateful to Allah (SWT) I am on a road to recovery now.. this morning I smelt a hint of my tea… and bawled out in tears out of gratitude to Allah. In the past week.. I had chicken karahi.. Nutella cake.. chocolate brownies.. all my favourites in front of me.. I couldn’t taste or even smell any of them. All that we work for.. weren’t able to lift me up.. but a “small thing”.. smelling chai” that all Allah (SWT) made possible. I guess what I’m trying to say.. is that.. it’s important to strive to live your best life and become the best version of yourselves.. I do it myself.. and it’s normal to complain about “the big things”.. Paisa kapra aur Makaan..” as well.. I do that too.. but not disregarding the Luxuries we’ve been given by Allah ( SWT). Gratitude.. changed my life. Realising the “ small things are the real big deals” changed my life. So here I am.. in a shirt that I haven’t changed in the past three days.. make up-less.. filterless… energy-less.. but Grateful to the max. Allah is Great ❤️”

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