
Maan Jao Naa fame Elnaaz Norouzi accuses Bollywood producer of harassment

Iranian actor Elnaaz Norouzi had made headlines in Pakistan with film Maan Jao Naa long before she headed off to Netflix’s Sacred Games. But it was not an easy journey for her getting there.

The actor took to Mid-Day to write an account of her encounter with Bollywood director Vipul Shah. She accused him of sexual harassment and abusing his power as a producer/director.

Recalling the incidents, Norouzi spoke about meeting Vipul Shah and how he wanted her to be in his film Namaste England. He would call her for auditions and then give her feedback in his office, where he would try to get too close for comfort.

According to Norouzi, “Basically, I went through six rounds of auditions for the film, and he made me feel like the planet’s worst actor. My confidence was shattered. I kept feeling like I was auditioning, and not cracking the part. It was only later I realised that this was his way of calling me to his office, over and over again, to get closer to me.”

“The next time we met at his office, he tried to kiss me. I backed off, said, “What are you doing? We are in your office!” I pushed him away, being affirmative…”

While Norouzi had hoped he would get the message, she revealed that he didn’t.

When Elnaaz was offered Sacred Games, Vipul Shah asked her not to do the show, hanging the movie over her as leverage.

“He kept asking me to skip (the offer). He still had not signed a contract with me for Namaste England. I was mentally tortured for three months. It was evident that if I slept with Vipul, I would get the part. Every time I went to his office, he tried (to hit) on me. He (would) inappropriately touch me, and (try to) kiss me.”

Elnaaz held her own and resisted all of his advances. Elnaaz revealed that she did not take it up with authorities being a foreigner but isn’t afraid to call him out on his misconduct.

“The only reason I am sharing this is because I want these kinds of disgusting people to stop misusing their power. There are many like Vipul. There shall be more stories, if we see that things don’t change.”

Vipul Shah has yet to respond to the allegations.

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