MERA RAB WARIS EPISODE 28: The Fire Has Been Lit – Mazhar Has Finally Played His Card

7th Sky Entertainment’s top-rated Mera Rab Waris, starring powerhouse actors Danish Taimoor and Madiha Imam in the lead, is an amazing play with a unique storyline and ensemble cast and hence we have been following it without fail. Latest episode was full of some major twists and turns in each character’s life, progressing the play towards its climax.

Nimra’s mother Durdana has some serious reservations with her daughter being made to do household chores in Faizi’s house and she assumes Nimra is hiding the so-called-oppression being inflicted on her by her in-laws; she is of course biased as she had been against the marriage since the beginning. She insults Faizi and her mother over not being able to keep her daughter happy, while Ayesha steps forward and takes a stand for Faizi – but we now know that the situation will eventually turn against her.

Haris and Ayesha are finally back to normal after their patch-up post Ayla’s foiled plan, but Ayla is still not happy because things didn’t work out as she had connived. She is again trying to gain Haris’s attention with her cheap tactics and tantrums, but this time Haris keeps her at a distance. Seems like he finally is opening his eyes!

The episode had some very shocking turn of events in Nimra’s life. The secret of Faizi being in love with Ayesha has finally been revealed by Mazhar who has been trying to ruin Ayesha’s life since forever. We had thought Nimra was not naïve enough to fall prey to Mazhar’s conspiracy against Ayesha, but much to our disappointment, Nimra might be on Ayesha’s case now.

The last scene between Mazhar and Nimra was gripping and full of suspense, despite being very predictable. The way Mazhar tries to twist and turn the secret, igniting Nimra’s curiosity, was well-directed and the epitome of the entire episode.

Over all, the episode was very happening and engaging, keeping us glued to our screens till the very last scene and making it a must to watch the next one, which we assume is going to be even more intriguing. The drama is progressing at a good pace and there was not a single dull or dragged moment in this episode. Madiha Imam and Mirza Zain Baig stole the show as always, while Anamta Qureshi has also been quite impressive, especially when she realistically depicts the anxiety of a loving wife.

It seems that Mazhar’s scheming has hit the right chord and Nimra, who is too naïve to realise that she is being merely used, will now create a mess out of it, eventually ruining many innocent lives. Tune in to Geo Entertainment to watch this intense family saga every Thursday at 9 pm.

Guest post written by - Afshan Zahra

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