
Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb Hails Groundbreaking of Cinema House and Digital Radio Lab in Lahore

In an exciting development for the Pakistani film and entertainment industry, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb has expressed her delight over the groundbreaking ceremony of the Cinema House and Digital Radio Lab at Radio Pakistan Lahore. The minister believes that these initiatives will mark a significant milestone, bringing the splendor of movie magic back to Pakistan while making cinema more accessible and affordable for the masses.

Taking to Twitter to share her enthusiasm, Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb emphasized the positive impact these projects will have on the film entertainment sector. She expressed her belief that the introduction of affordable cinema access will reinvigorate the industry, driving innovation and providing every Pakistani with world-class entertainment experiences.


The Cinema House and Digital Radio Lab are set to revolutionize the film and broadcasting landscape in Pakistan. Not only will they bring back the joy of watching movies on the big screen, but they will also provide a platform for local filmmakers to showcase their talent and stories to a wider audience.

In addition to the Cinema House, Radio Pakistan is also launching the National Digital Archive, which will preserve and showcase the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan. This initiative aims to create a comprehensive collection of digital content that reflects the diverse music melodies of the nation.

Furthermore, Radio Pakistan is mapping the music melodies of Pakistan, ensuring that this vital aspect of the country’s cultural identity is preserved and celebrated. Alongside these endeavors, the establishment of world-class podcast studios will enable the production of engaging audio content, catering to the growing demand for podcasts in Pakistan and beyond.

Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb’s vision for the film and entertainment industry, combined with these groundbreaking initiatives, promises to create a vibrant and thriving landscape for Pakistani cinema and broadcasting. With increased accessibility and the promotion of local talent, Pakistan is poised to regain its position as a hub of creativity and innovation in the world of entertainment.

These initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to fostering a dynamic and diverse cultural environment, where the nation’s artistic endeavors can flourish. As the Cinema House and Digital Radio Lab take shape, anticipation builds for the resurgence of Pakistan’s film industry, offering an exciting future for filmmakers and audiences alike.

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