
Need for creating solutions, integration, and rehabilitation of Refugees, IRC Country Director

To highlight the pressing issues of refugees across the world and commemorate the world Refugee Day 2023, International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) Country Director in Pakistan, Ms. Shabnam Baloch shared, how Pakistan is responding to the refugee crisis, particularly of the millions of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan. She also stressed on the need of creating solutions, integration, and rehabilitation for the long term benefit for refugees.

IRC is one of the organizations that has worked meticulously and painstakingly across the globe to aid in various refugee crises. In Pakistan there are three variations of refugees from Afghanistan, particularly: registered, Afghan Card Holders and undocumented for which we still do not have accurate numbers. While each category of refugees has different problems, the overarching issue is of their protection and the protection of their rights including to education and health. IRC ensures that at the very least they provide access to the right resources for refugees in terms of legal, education, and health efforts.

Mr. Waqas Dar, Acting Country Director of IRC, and Ms. Sarah Ahmad, Chairperson, CPWB, Govt of Punjab signed an agreement to strengthen child protection mechanisms
Mr Waqas Dar, Acting Country Director of IRC, and Ms. Sarah Ahmad, Chairperson, CPWB, Govt of Punjab signed an agreement to strengthen child protection mechanisms


Ms. Shabnam Baloch said, “This refugee crisis has been going on for over four decades and the problems have not changed at all simply because short term solutions have consistently been implemented for long term problems.”

On World Refugee Day, International Rescue Committee reinforced their commitment by sharing their knowledge with the world on their close learning through their humanitarian work. There are a lot of refugee camps along the border of Afghanistan in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. While the beginning of this issue allowed a lot of funding and attention, the consistent effort did not continue from the international community.

World Refugee Day is observed every year on June 20 to raise awareness about the plight of refugees around the world and to commemorate their resilience and courage in overcoming adversity. It is a day that recognizes and honors the millions of people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflicts, persecution, or natural disasters.

The United Nations General Assembly officially designated June 20th as World Refugee Day in December 2000, with the goal of promoting empathy and understanding for refugees and to advocate for their rights and well-being. The day serves as an opportunity to shed light on the challenges faced by refugees and to emphasize the need for global solidarity and support in addressing their needs.
The observance of International Refugee Day seeks to promote understanding, compassion, and inclusivity towards refugees, and to advocate for their protection and durable solutions. It serves as a reminder that everyone deserves safety, dignity, and the opportunity to rebuild their lives, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or religious background. IRC in Pakistan hopes to continue efforts to improve the livelihood of refugees, so they too have the resources to access their basic rights.

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