
Nestlé Healthy Kids Day 2016 Celebrated with the motto of healthy kids for a healthy future

Nestlé Healthy Kids day marked the second annual event of the Nestlé Healthy Kids Programme that aims to create awareness around good nutritional habits, hygiene and the importance of physical exercise in kids.

The Programme to date has trained more than 120 teachers and reached out to 50,000 children in more than 50 schools all over Pakistan to educate them about the importance of health and nutrition for kids!

For a country that is a food-surplus country, the rates for malnutrition and mineral deficiencies in Pakistan is alarming. State Minister for National Health Services Saira Afzal Tarrar, also the Chief Guest for the event said, “Children are the most vulnerable part of the society and require protection from disease and malnutrition”.

Nestlé Pakistan has been in collaborating with 10 partners in Punjab, the Federal Capital, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh as well as numerous schools all over Pakistan to introduce healthy lifestyle lessons to children and take forward the dream for a healthy Pakistan. The event had speeches, displays, games and other activities to engage children from schools all over Pakistan!

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