Nida Yasir gets criticism for using saas-bahu drama in morning show for ‘ratings’

Actress turned morning show host Nida Yasir recently came under fire on Twitter for her latest TV act, where she invited pairs of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law for the two to face off in front of an audience. A clip from the show doing the rounds on social media follows a mother-in-law complaining about how she had demanded an educated daughter-in-law who can care for the home, stressing that her daughter-in-law has no interest in looking after domestic affairs.

The clip was shared by talk show host and social media influencer Kanwal Ahmed:

While several people claimed the show to be staged, others called out the harmful nature of the content, and how it is used for higher ratings.

During an interview on Time Out with Ahsan Khan earlier this year, Nida, who is known for pulling off outrageous antics on her morning show, spoke about how educational content usually leads to a fall in ratings. She shared, “Interviews with known people usually get very high ratings but as soon as we switch to something more educational or informative the numbers fall. I love the more informative shows and so does the more educated demographic.”

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