Brand NewsReviews

Organic soaps from OLD ORGANICS are really Outstanding Local Development

Self-care and indulgence are not just essential but also a good pass time. We must consider self-care routines and daily rituals especially when we are living in the world of self-care products that have emerged online. They may have been around for quite some time but since the pandemic outbreak, their existence has, for sure, just dawned upon us.

The latest revelation in body care products came to me with a box from Old Organics. In my goody box were three soap bars from their Organic soaps.

You can check out their full product range here, and the following is what I got in the cool green box from Old Organics:

Moringa Bar

Moringa bar organic soap is made up of healthy nutrients for the skin. Healthy nutrients like vitamin A which helps build collagen in the skin, vitamin C to help reduce and heal fine lines and wrinkles on the skin, and also vitamin E that gives anti-inflammatory benefits for the skin.

It also helps in clearing blackheads and pimples. The regular use of this organic soap helps to prevent the co-occurrence of blemishes.

Moringa Bar

Talking of side effects, this organic soap has no bad effect on the skin but only enriches and makes the skin look more beautiful.

Charcoal with Gold Bar

This soap bar draws bacteria out of the skin, it removes unwanted chemicals, removes dirt, makes the skin poison-free, and cleanses micro-particles out of the skin. By doing this great work when applied to the skin, it helps in achieving flawless and radiant skin.

Charcol with Gold Bar

This organic soap is pure and has no side effects, and it’s very useful for everyone.

Coco Shea Butter Bar

This one is my favorite, the “coco shea butter bar”.  An organic soap made from natural organic ingredients like shea butter or karite butter Butyrospermumhoney and more.

This organic soap is tested and trusted. It can penetrate deeply into the outer layer of the skin, mainly designed for use on extremely dry hands and feet as a moisturizer. This soap gives it full 24-hours prevention from dryness, repairs wrinkles, and protects the skin from unnecessary burnt.

Coco Shea Butter Bar

The coco shea butter organic soap helps to promote healthy skin by eliminating dry itching skin, reduces any unnecessary lines. It is also known for improving skin tone, texture, and firmness.

This is the best organic soap of its kind, which is highly recommended for you

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