
Pakistan Takes Steps Towards Transforming Food Systems for a Healthy and Sustainable Future

In order to strengthen the Government of Pakistan’s efforts to improve access to nutritious food and follow global targets set for 2030, Ministry of National Food Security & Research convened National Consultation for a “Progress Review on ‘Pakistan National Food System Transformation Pathway’” which was titled as “Aligning National Practices and Policies for Transforming Pakistan Food Systems”.

The event was conducted in the result of Government of Pakistan’s high level of political ownership for the upcoming “United Nations Food System Summit+2 – Stock Taking Moment-2023”.


Event was inaugurated by Chairman Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) and concluded by National Convenor for Pakistan Mr. Zaffar Hasan (Federal Secretary, Ministry of National Food Security & Research), Joint Secretary (M/o NFS&R) Mr. Ejaz Ahmed Bajwa, and Additional Secretary (M/o NFS&R) Capt. (Retd) Muhammad Asif.

Dr. Ghulam Sadiq Afridi, member Social Sciences Division PARC (TWG Secretary) and Mr. Faiz Rasool, Senior Policy Advisor at Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) led the technical discussion and shared the progress made so for by the Government of Pakistan. GAIN in collaboration with FAO, WFP and IFAD provided technical assistance for the progress review process on Food System Transformation in Pakistan. Provincial leadership highlighted the overall progress made, challenges being faced (particularly the climate change implications), stakeholder engagement and the strategic investment allocated towards transforming the Pakistan food systems.


Country leadership from FAO, IFAD, WFP and GAIN provided the technical insights and the event was represented by diverse range of participants from federal and provincial government and development sector, including senior officials Secretary Food Mr. Zaman Wattoo and Secretary Agriculture (AJK) Mr. Javed Ayub and Director Generals from provincial food, agriculture livestock, CSO’s and Consumer Association Network. Country leadership team members from all the five Actions Tracks of UNFSS highlighted the importance of all the Action Tracks and their role in transforming food systems.


Poor diets contribute to one in five deaths. Food also contributes to environmental issues including greenhouse gas emissions, unsustainable water use, soil degradation, biodiversity loss etc. “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020” report has revealed that the around three (3) billion people in the world cannot afford the healthy diet. To deal with all the challenges a transformation in the existing food systems is required.

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