Yesterday the celebrations of Diwali began and will be extended till the next 5 days. Diwali is celebrated by Hindus Hindus around the globe are celebrating this’ festival of lights’. Hindus around the globe are celebrating this fastival with religious reverence.
Here are some of Pakistani celebrities who extended their wishes the Hindus living in Pakistan and all over the world.
Wishing our Hindu community a Happy & Peaceful Diwali.
— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) November 10, 2015
I wish our Hindu brethren a very Happy Diwali. May the festival of lights bring you a lot of happiness.
— Shah Mahmood Qureshi (@SMQureshiPTI) November 10, 2015
Happy Deepawali (Deewali) to all, Mohabbat key, khushiyun key aur aman key deep jalayen.
— JahanAra M Wattoo (@jahanarawattoo) November 11, 2015
Happy Diwali to our all Hindu brothers/sisters in Pakistan/India and living in the rest of the world.I pray for peace and religious harmony
— Senator Rehman Malik (@SenRehmanMalik) November 10, 2015
Whishing everyone a #HappyDiwali
— Aseefa B Zardari (@AseefaBZ) November 11, 2015
Wishing the Pakistani Hindu community a very happy Diwali! May this Diwali bring peace and prosperity for all 

— Shazia Atta Marri (@ShaziaAttaMarri) November 10, 2015
Happy to see PM Nawaz Sharif is participating in Diwali celebrations!!! #HappyDiwali
— Hina Butt Hayat (@hinaparvezbutt) November 11, 2015
A very Happy Diwali to all my Hindu friends & a Salute to India for saying NO to religious extremism. https://t.co/VKo20K1N5V — salman ahmad (@sufisal) November 10, 2015
Diwali Mubarak to all! Sending out love and light xx — Mahira Khan (@TheMahiraKhan) November 11, 2015
I pray that Pak Hindu community have a joyful Diwali. — Hamza Ali Abbasi (@iamhamzaabbasi) November 11, 2015
Happy Diwali everyone… Have a blessed one. — Imran Abbas (@ImranAbbas) November 11, 2015
Happy Dewali to all our Hindu fans from all over the world – Management.
— Armeena Khan (@ArmeenaRK) November 11, 2015
Happy Diwali to all near and far 

pic.twitter.com/2ofPpdjRWa — Meesha Shafi (@itsmeeshashafi) November 11, 2015
Happy Diwali:PM Nawaz Sharif participated in a Diwali function organised by Pakistani Hindus in Karachi — Hamid Mir (@HamidMirGEO) November 11, 2015
#Diwali at the Wagah: Rangers and BSF exchange sweets. #India#Pakistanpic.twitter.com/zvVZoLGKCs — Naila Inayat (@nailainayat) November 11, 2015
What a great gesture showed by the prime minster to attend the Diwali function.#WeWantQuaidKaPakistan — Asma Shirazi (@asmashirazi) November 11, 2015
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