
PCB Plans New Tournaments for Domestic Performers

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is planning to launch new tournaments aimed at showcasing domestic performers. According to sources, the PCB will introduce four-day and T20 tournaments featuring five teams. These teams will be managed by five top former cricketers.

A report on Geo News has revealed that these teams will be assigned to former cricketers on a two-year basis. The primary goal of these tournaments is to create a pathway for domestic performers to reach the national team.

It has been further disclosed that these five teams will not include current national team players. Each team will consist of five players from various disciplines.

The sources added that the purpose of these tournaments is to prepare performers for the Pakistan Shaheens and as backups for the national team. This initiative will strengthen the bench strength of Pakistan cricket.

Additionally, the PCB plans to promote these tournaments similarly to the Pakistan Super League (PSL), aiming to establish them as a marquee event in domestic cricket.

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