Peshawar Zalmi, a Pakistan Super League (PSL) franchise, has reiterated its demand to host PSL matches in Peshawar. The team’s chairman, Javed Afridi, emphasized that it is the right of the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to watch their favorite team play live at their home ground.
Afridi stated that Peshawar Zalmi has been consistently working to promote sports in the province. The team is set to hold trials for the upcoming PSL season at the Arbab Niaz Stadium in Peshawar, starting from January 1.
Recently, Provincial Minister Syed Fakhir Ilyas and Peshawar Zalmi’s Director Cricket, Mohammad Akram, visited the Arbab Niaz Stadium to assess its readiness for hosting PSL matches. The minister assured that the stadium’s renovation work would be completed by February, paving the way for PSL matches to be held in Peshawar.
Akram expressed his optimism about hosting PSL matches in Peshawar, stating that the Arbab Niaz Stadium has been beautifully renovated. He emphasized the importance of promoting sports in the province and pledged Peshawar Zalmi’s support for the development of cricket in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
The demand to host PSL matches in Peshawar has gained momentum, with fans and supporters calling for the opportunity to watch their favorite team play live at their home ground.
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