Brand AmbessidorCricket

Peshawar Zalmi retained Mahira Khan as the brand ambasasador

Superstar Mahira Khan has been appointed as the brand ambassador of Peshawar Zalmi. This is the fifth consecutive year that Mahira Khan is part of Peshawar Zalmi.

Mahira Khan will be Peshawar Zalmi’s ambassador for PSL Seven. Mahira Khan has already been associated with Zalmi in PSL 3, 4, 5, and Season 6. Mahira Khan has also previously featured in Zalmi anthems such as Hum Zalmi and Zalmi Kingdom.

Peshawar Zalmi Chairman Javed Afridi says he welcomes Mahira Khan to the Zalmi family once again. Mahira Khan says that she is excited to be a part of the Peshawar Zalmi family and gives a message of good luck to the Zalmi team for PSL Seven.

Mahira Khan is also associated with Zalmi fashion brand “Zalmi” Fashion” and has worn “Zalmi fashion” wardrobe.

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