
Presenter Asma Chaudhry Settles for Rs 2 Million Dues with Neo Television after Supreme Court Hearing

In a significant development, veteran TV anchor Asma Chaudhry has reached an agreement with Neo Television over the payment of her dues, following a hearing in the Supreme Court. The presenter, who was unceremoniously dismissed from her role without proper notice, had demanded Rs 3.4 million in unpaid dues from the channel.

During the court proceedings, the counsel representing Neo Television countered Asma’s claim, stating that the organization only owed her Rs 1 million. The discrepancy prompted discussions between the parties, and the Chief Justice of Pakistan suggested a middle ground of Rs 2 million as a fair settlement.

To the relief of both parties, Asma Chaudhry and Neo Television accepted the proposed figure of Rs 2 million as the resolution to their dispute. As part of the settlement, Neo Television provided four post-dated cheques to Asma, each amounting to Rs 0.5 million.

Under the agreed terms, Asma Chaudhry can present the first cheque within three days, and the remaining three cheques can be encashed on or before the 5th of every month. This arrangement ensures a gradual payment schedule and provides Asma with a measure of financial security.


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