Radio1 FM91 has taken the lead in the history of radio broadcast in Pakistan as the hit music radio station introduces Pakistan’s first radio game show “Khel Khel Main”.
The game show introduced by FM9a, Khel Khel Main, gives liseners a chance to win major prizes such as designer clothing and home appliances, Umrah tickets and motorcycles.
Listeners need to tune in to FM91 every Friday and Saturday from 10 pm till midnight and follow the pattern of the show. Actor Ayaz Samoo and RJ Emad Siddiqui are the hosts and presenters of the radio show Khel Khel Main.

The first edition of the show is airing tonight. The game show #KhelKhelMain is an inordinate break for radio listeners to participate in the game while listening to great music, in order to participate in the show listeners can call at 111-111-191 or SMS 9191. The Ayaz and RJ Emad will also be active on FM 91’s Facebook page during the show.
Radio1 FM91 has earned a definitive place in the hearts and minds of the youth at large. A radio station that not only plays music, FM91 has come a long way in urging Generation Y to observe, think, act, and amend. Staying true to its core audience, the channel openly embraces desi vibes and encourages its listeners to do the same
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