
[Review] Mujhay Beta Chahiye – Episode 11: Rubina’s Biggest Nightmare Becomes Reality

After the success of Shameless Proposals, Sadia Jabbar Productions brought us another insightful drama, Mujhay Beta Chahiye. Although there are countless dramas and shows on air, hardly anyone tries to raise awareness about the social issues in our society, the way Sadia Jabbar does. Time and again, her production house has come forward with thought-provoking and intriguing topics. Shameless Proposals highlighted the rishta culture in our society and received praise and acknowledgement from the viewers. Similarly, Mujhay Beta Chahiye also highlights a significant issue of our society where the desire of male child can ruin an entire household.



The story of Mujhay Beta Chahiye has finally reached a turning point and this week’s episode marks a major event in the characters’ lives. After Jahanara and Shareefan’s tireless efforts, Salman comes around and without anyone’s knowledge, Jahanara and Salman secretly get married.

Initially, they decide to hide it from everyone but their secret comes out when Salman’s mother suspects that Jahanara is pregnant. As predicted, Rubina is devastated and refuses to believe it. However, Salman stays apathetic and freely declares his love for Jahanara. During a dramatic confrontation, Salman’s mother suddenly faints and he rushes her to the hospital with Rubina following closely behind.

While there were many obvious emotions and sentiments being portrayed by the actors, there was an underlying emotion beautifully and subtly portrayed by Aiza Awan and Shahood Alvi. That emotion is selfishness. Both the actors did a marvelous job in that respect as their characters feel no guilt when they decide to get married behind everybody’s back. On the other hand, Sabreen Hisbani, once again, delivers an incredibly powerful performance as a wounded and hurt woman. But it seems that in the coming weeks, Rubina’scharacter will show immense strength and courage. She might turn out to be a lioness of a mother and take hold of her life. However, we will have to wait to see what happens next.


Guest post contributed by Mehak Zahra

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