
Shaista Lodhi shuts down age-shaming troll with grace on social media

Shaista Lodhi, a prominent Pakistani TV host, and actor, recently faced age-shaming comments from a troll on Instagram. Rather than succumbing to criticism, Lodhi responded with grace and confidence, reminding her followers that self-love and acceptance are important.

In the comment, the troll criticised Lodhi for posting pictures of herself, claiming that it was inappropriate for someone of her age. Lodhi responded by stating that no one is hiding their age and that earning well has nothing to do with it. Her response received a positive response from netizens, who praised her for standing up against negativity.

Shaista Lodhi responds to age-shaming with grace

Shaista Lodhi responds to age-shaming with grace

The incident has sparked a larger conversation on ageism and societal standards regarding women’s ages, with Lodhi’s fans expressing disappointment over regressive attitudes. This is not the first time Lodhi has faced criticism, but her response serves as a reminder to not let negative comments bring one down.

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