
Shameless Proposals #ProgressivePakistaniMard – Too Good to be True?

Sadia Jabbar Productions’ has finally concluded their satirical little web-series ‘Shameless Proposals’ on a slightly shocking note, for who practically expects to find such a perfect rishta at the end of the day?

Written by Hunny Haroon and directed by Saji and Atlas, the last episode showcases the girl’s completely jolted family, for whom it came quite as a surprise when the potential groom ends up asking all the right questions, ticking off all the right boxes. A clear representation of a progressive family, the groom and his mother communicate the necessity of compatibility between the girl and the boy, along with a value placed on the girl’s opinion after marriage. It has been very nicely portrayed that, whether she wants to work and build a career, or focus on raising children later on, should be a mutual decision between the couple, rather than a situation forced on to her. Her fate and her choice should be in her own hands, and that’s what a rightful mindset manifests. With no dowry demands, no ‘nakhras’ from the mother-in-law, and no requirements of a ‘gora rung’, one genuinely wonders if the man really is desi! The episode does give a little ray of hope, that there might be a (too) small percentage of such progressive Pakistani men out there.

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