
Six Hashtags to Follow to Feel Connected During Lockdown

If you’ve been in lockdown for a while now, it can get challenging to find something to be entertained by. And the one thing that everyone is bound to feel at some point or the other, is feeling connected – with your friends, your colleagues and the world at large.

These six hashtags will give you the illusion of being connected to the world – while you’re in lock-down.


Think about it – you aren’t eating fast food or any sort of calorie laden food from restaurants and are only eating healthy, homemade foods at the moment. Why not use this time to create your Summer bod? This hashtag has over 500,000 workout videos that you can follow at home. Get ready, get fit!


Feel like you need to get up and get your blood flowing? Follow this hashtag as the world comes together for a dance marathon. From classical ballet to the world’s best movement directors, get ready to dance like no one’s watching (for once, this is actually true!) It is the fastest way to uplift your mood, we promise!


Who wouldn’t want to travel right now? While that may not be a possibility right now, you can still see the world through the lens of someone’s phone straight from the comfort of your couch. Follow the hashtag and see people share some beautiful sights from all over the world.



While the Instagram hashtag shows some of our favourite celebs washing their hands, nothing beats this video of a dog teaching you the importance of safe hands. See the video for a quick laugh.



Inspired by the healthcare workers’ plea for people to stay at home, this hashtag adds a little twist to the game. People have come with hilarious yet imaginative ways to stay busy during this time. While some involve putting on hoodies backwards to cover your face and then have a blind pillow fight, the others involve kicking a toilet roll around. It can get really crazy, really funny in just one fell swoop.


This piece was originally published on sunday.com.pk

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